
Sunday, December 4, 2016


On December 1, I left work to go to my scheduled high risk appointment. I remember the week before my high risk Dr mentioning something about my cervix being short.  But I was too naive to think that was a problem.  I went in for my appointment, and immediately my dr told me my cervix was about 1cm long and I was dilated about a 4.  I still didn't know what any of that meant, but he made phone calls to AV hospital to see if their on-call OB-GYN knew how to perform a cerclage.   He did not.  So Dr. Devore had a friend down in LA who could perform them.  I called Zach at work to come pick me up because we needed to drive down to LA to get this procedure done ASAP.  I was not supposed to walk, but they allowed me to walk out to my car to wait for Zach. 

We made our way down to Pasadena, where we went to Dr. Karimi's office.  We made it in a good enough time and he was waiting for us.  He did an ultrasound to check for his self and decided I needed to get a cerclage that night.  The hospital was right across the street, so they wheeled me over and got me admitted. 

Unfortunately, there were no available time slots in the OR's for me that night, so I had to wait until morning.  Zach went and picked up Arby's for us for dinner, and it was the most delicious thing.  He even got salted caramel cookies, that I had become addicted to after that point.  All night, we heard many women go through labor and screaming down the hallways.  It was hard to get a good night sleep.

The following morning, which was a Friday, I had my cerclage.  They gave me an epidural but I was awake, since general anesthesia is not good for the babies.  Everything went well and they took me outside the OR in recovery until the numbing wore off.  It happened pretty quickly though. 

The boys were doing well! All of their monitoring showed that they were great!  I told the Dr that I did not want to go back to work...ever!!  I was so fearful of more complications since I was already worked too much at my new job.  I had this feeling for weeks, that I needed to go on bedrest.  I stood all day long, I was never given a real break.  And the tech that was supposed to be the float always made me give breaks.  It made no sense!!  I was not in a good position to be working as hard as I was. So Dr. Karimi agreed that he would write me out of work for the remainder of my pregnancy.  What a relief?!

After the cerclage, they kept me another 24 hours to monitor me.  I had noticed I was leaking fluid, and it kept Dr. Karimi on edge!  The last thing he wanted to do was to somehow rupture a placenta and cause amniotic fluid to leak...or cause me to go into labor.  They did a couple tests and monitored everything and then I was finally released on Saturday.  I was under strict bedrest orders.

Problem with bedrest when your husband has to I still had to get myself things to eat, or make dinner.  But I am so grateful for Dr's who were willing to get me the care I needed immediately.  Our boys were under great care!