
Saturday, January 7, 2017


So after a few weeks of bedrest, it was so nice knowing I did not have to go to work!!! Ahh!

We were all going to Vegas for the week between Christmas and New Years.  Christmas was on a Sunday this year, and after speaking with Jill and Rob, they weren't heading to Vegas until after their Christmas morning at home.  So we decided instead of staying home by ourselves for Christmas, we were going to go spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with them. 

I had a follow up appointment with Dr. Karimi in Pasadena Thursday, December 22, So I had Jill bring the kids to us there to spend a couple days with us.  We took them with us to Edwards to see planes and things.  We even took them to a trampoline park so they could jump.  We had a lot of fun.  Then Friday, we drove down to Santa Clarita and met Jill and Rob at Cafe Rio.  I jumped in the car with them so Zach could go back home for the night with Rockie. 

Zach drove down Saturday morning.  During the afternoon, we decided to take boogie boards and go off the PCH where the guys would take the kids and slide down a giant sand hill.  They made it up one time...and came down one time... It was a lot of work!!! We hopped back in the car and went to some tide pools nearby.  We found a baby star fish! Rob wasn't cool with us touching it in fear it was going to die.  But walking back to the car, I started to feel a contraction, even though I didn't realize it at that point. 

We went back to Jill's house and decided on Thai food for dinner.  After we ate, and the kids went to bed, we stayed up and got the stockings filled and Christmas laid out.  We stayed up talking and as I was sitting on the couch , again I could feel contractions.  They were just minor cramps to me.  After talking, we walked to bed about 10:30pm. As soon as I walked into our room, I felt a flush of fluid!! I freaked out!! I had no idea what was going on.  I immediately went to the bathroom, and then screamed for Jill to come in.  I was expecting blood, but it was so much clear fluid!! I was only 24 weeks along! It was way too early for my water to break!! I put on my shoes and had rob and Zach give me a blessing before we went to the hospital. 

There really was so much fluid!! We got to the ER and they wheeled me up to labor and delivery.  I was crying uncontrollably and extremely scared!  The nurses got us into a room, and had me change into a gown.  Then they set up the heart rate monitors.  There was a lot of relief in hearing two little heart beats.  So strong!!  They asked if I was having contractions, but I didn't feel anything.  I never could calm down!

They put us in a different room, a more permanent room, and eventually the Ob-Gyn on call came to see us.  We had been told by so many nurses that if they were to be in our situation, this was the Dr they would want.  So that was a relief.  His name was Dr. VanGeem.  He came in and told us the game plan.  My water had in fact broke.  At that point, we thought it was baby A's water.  He told me they would have me on a bunch of medications and magnesium to keep me from going into labor.  They also were going to give me steroid shots for the babies; to help their lungs develop quicker. 
He told me that since the boys were only 24 weeks, there was a chance they might not survive and to consider sacrificing the weaker baby to save the stronger baby.
No way in hell! That was not even an option! And how does any parent make that choice?  I did not feel good with that decision!  As far as we could tell, from the heart monitors, they were both being strong.  I was encouraged to get a good night sleep (somehow) and then in the morning I was going to have an ultrasound. 
Christmas day!
The US tech didn't make it in until about 1pm.  It was a long wait!! But when they did the ultrasound, both of their fluid levels were high.  We learned that it was baby B (the higher one) whose water broke.  And baby A was acting as a plug to keep them in.  Both babies looked good. 
At that point, I was supposed to stay in the hospital another 3 months, or as long as possible, before giving birth.  So I was making good friends with the nurses and learning what was worth ordering for food. 
We missed Christmas and New Year's in Vegas, but we did have the Russell's from Edwards come visit us.  They brought me books and a ginger bread house to keep me occupied in the hospital for that long.
January 2, after I had been in the hospital a little over a week, Dr. VanGeem came in to tell me everything was looking good.  The boys' fluid levels were looking great, and as long as I wasn't having contractions he would let me go home...but only to Jill's.  Where I was in a close vicinity to Los Robles Hospital.  He was not comfortable with me going to Edwards since we weren't sure of the NICU option at Antelope Valley Hospital.  Jill and Rob agreed to let me stay with them.

I was supposed to be on bedrest, but i had a really hard time asking Jill...who was 9 months pregnant herself, help me with stuff.  So even though I spent most of my time in bed, i still got up regularly to get food or something.  And in the back of my head, I was really stressed about that...

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