
Monday, March 30, 2015

A new Job

At the end of March, I quit my job at AV Surgical Institute.  I didn't have another job lined up, but I was hopeful and at peace that it was the right thing to do.  I was not happy working there and would come home cranky and it was really affecting me and Zach.  So I asked him if he was ok with me quitting and only having his income.
I found a job posting for a per diem tech position at the hospital and applied, then the following morning I got a call for a job interview!! It was so quick! I interviewed the next week, and used Dr. Boghossian, a podiatrist I worked with, as my reference.  After I left the interview, Dr. B texted me saying he felt confident I got the job. And the next day I got a call saying that if my background check went through, they would call with the job offer.
It's amazing how quick it all worked out!!  I was afraid to quit AVSI sooner because I didn't have anything else lined up.  I like to have a plan and a safety net.  But for some reason, I felt strong to have faith in the Lord and know that if I put my trust in Him, everything would fall into place.  And it did!!
The following week, I got the job offer, I got all my paperwork turned in, and I started working the week after that!  I have truly been blessed!  I was even hoping to have a little time to go to Vegas or something, but it didn't happen.  
I guess it was a blessing I started working so soon, because financially it has worked out.  We had planned a Disneyland trip with Mel and Jill's families at the end of April, and even though we had a little bit of money from our tax refund, my paycheck helped out a lot too.  

The job has been great.  Even though I was hired on per diem, I am in a 6 month orientation period so I work full time.  It's great! Although I am exhausted, I am getting paid almost double what I was.  The staff at the hospital is great too.  Everyone is so nice, plus I don't have to do everything!!  There is someone to clean instruments, order supplies, everyone helps pull cases, and I feel so much relief!
I am learning so much, and meeting a lot of really great people and doctors.  I also have been told that since one of the techs is retiring in July, I can apply for her position.  She is part time, which means I would get benefits, extra money and a set schedule.  That is something I want, a set schedule.  The hardest part is everyday being up at a different time.  I am so tired, my eye twitches haha.

I am grateful for the guidance of the spirit and knowing that I have a Heavenly Father who is mindful of me.  And that when we are faithful and obedient, He will bring forth blessings.  I am grateful for a supportive husband, and that he is in-tune with the spirit also.  We have been so blessed.

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