
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Primary President

At the end of 2014 I was called as Primary President.  My first thought, "what are you guys thinking?" I don't want to screw up the kids. :) I started out a brand new year learning all the kids, figuring out who was who, and with my amazing presidency, trying to get classes situated.
I didn't even know that you could take callings with "conditions."  We had teachers come to us and say, "I will teach but not my kids,"  or "I will teach, but not the young/older kids."  I always was taught that the leadership would call you as they felt inspired, and I don't understand how I can get these ultimatums.  
But March came along and we finally got the classes figured out.  It was really hard not having the class sizes too big or combining ages without leaving a class size of 1.  And then getting the teachers what they want.  Eventually I had to have a primary meeting giving them a substitute list, and also letting them know that I was really doing my best to give everyone what they wanted, but at the end of the day its about the children.  I needed them to be prepared to teach the children and put them first.

It's been successful and I am loving my calling.  Even with the challenges, I am loving my teachers and the kids and have grown so much in this calling.  I also have become so emotional too!  I don't know what it is!  But I cry more often than not! And even Zach notices it too from commercials or tv shows that have emotional stories and I bawl in the corner.  Ha!

I am so grateful for my calling and for my responsibilities.  I am grateful for the love of the children and all that they teach me.  I am also grateful that I cannot stop thinking about what I can do to help them and that I am in tune with the spirit.  I unfortunately have too many kids on our list that are not coming to primary and it makes me really sad.  So I've been making it my priority to find them.

It's definitely been a fun ride and I am grateful for where we are at.  I could not do anything without Zach  being so supportive of me.  He's the greatest and I am blessed with an amazing husband.  

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