
Thursday, April 14, 2016


How do I even begin this post?  This past week was one of the hardest weeks I've had to experience.  Our last day together, we went to a Dr. appointment for more blood work and they decided while I was there to do another HSS exam.  So I stayed for that and then they wrote up my next round of Rx's.  We picked up those and dropped another butt load of money on that! It makes me sick watching the $$ signs rise.

But with as much stress as that causes, I really had to not focus on it for the day since it was my last day with Zach before he left for his deployment.  We had plans to go to The Broad museum, but since it was raining, we realized quickly that everyone would be at a museum in LA, especially once we saw the line wrapped around the building.  So we just went and got lunch at Jessica Biel's new restaurant Au Fudge, in Beverly Hills.  It was super cute with really yummy food.  And we couldn't check in our hotel until 3pm, so we killed time by wandering around Target and Ross.

Since it was raining, we contemplated going to a movie or doing something for our last night together, but ultimately just ended up ordering pizza and watching movies in our hotel room.  It was perfect, actually.  Zach and I really do just enjoy spending time together.

I dropped him off at LAX super early in the morning, then went back to my hotel to sleep for a little before driving home.  I really did do well until I got back to Edwards.  Then I completely lost it!!  And when I finally felt ok, it was time to go to bed...alone. And I lost it again!!  Rockie noticed me sobbing, so he came up right in my face to check on me.  I guess I am atleast lucky I have a little dog to keep me company.

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