
Sunday, August 14, 2016


On July 30, I had to drive down to Beverly Hills to have all my blood work done and make sure everything was good to go.  What freaked me out was that we didn't have the correct paper work from Zach approving me to implant his embryos.  He mailed it to the office, but they couldn't find it.  And what made it worse, was that he was supposed to have it notorized so it wasn't like I just went and forged his signature.  What was I supposed to do? The transfer was the next day!! I was freaking out a bit because I had been doing all the injections and I had my heart set on getting those embryos implanted! I didn't want to wait another second!!

What we ended up doing was we Facetimed Zach and watched his sign it.  And we took a screenshot of him holding up the paper, with his signature and his I.D.  It wasn't formal, but they allowed it as proof that he was all in!  He just had to send that signed paper to the office for their records.  What a relief!!

That night, mom came to Edwards to prepare to take me in for the transfer.  I was told to drink 3 liters of water.  So I was chugging water all the way down there, and then we stopped across the street for breakfast first.  I had to pee so bad!!! I was dying!  We went upstairs to the office to get all signed in, and I thought I was going to pee my pants.  They let me go try to just "pee a little" for relief. How in the world is that possible?  I was able to stop, but it didn't relieve the amount of discomfort I had.  

When they took me back, Dr. Surrey emptied my bladder a little so I wasn't uncomfortable during the procedure.  Mom sat next to me in the procedure room, and she made a video on my phone and Facetimed Zach on her phone.  That way Zach could be apart of the process.  

The embryologist came in and asked how many embryos we wanted.  We agreed on 2.  Then she went back to her lab to get them.  She came back in, checked our names to make sure they were correct, and then there was an ultrasound tech doing an ultrasound while Dr. Surrey took a catheter that placed the embryos in my uterus.  We could see the catheter on the screen to atleast know where that was being placed.  They tilted me upside down for a little bit while the embryologist went to her lab to use a microscope to make sure the embryos were no longer on the catheter.  A few minutes later, they came in to tell us it was complete!! So cool!!

They wheeled me out, and mom stayed for a few days because I was on strict bedrest.  It was nice having mom to help me out.  I just laid on the couch and we watched a lot of movies and tv shows.  It sure was hard not being stressed out by the whole process.  I was so scared to go through all of this and it not work.  Those hormones are not easy.  I was crazy to everyone, I am sure!!

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